by Janet | Mar 23, 2020 | Personal Growth, Uncategorized
I’ve been looking at the energy quite a bit as you can imagine, while not getting caught up in it (remembering the tools I teach). I have been surprised that many of you asked me what my take was on all the world events, so here it is. Zip your lip woman!...
by Janet | Jan 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
Depressed young woman crying I’m writing the body below in the first person so you can really feel it as an exercise. Maybe it resonates in a bone chilling way, and maybe you find your amusement and transform a lot of other people’s energy in...
by Janet | Jan 20, 2020 | Personal Growth, Uncategorized
The universe reveals infinite possibilities I wonder if any of you are feeling like I am these days; Good and optimistic at times and feeling the burden of all the problems in the world at other times. I wonder if any of you are feeling like I am these days;...
by Janet | Aug 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
I feel so much gratitude for having each of you in my life and I had been planning on writing to you last night but as to what you needed to see or hear right now, that remained unknown. So, I decided to meditate on it, pondering what might any one of you be needing...
by Janet | Jul 30, 2019 | Uncategorized
I’m still doing research on “Happiness” and what it takes to feel it more often. I believe that with a little awareness, it is attainable more often than we think. My hope is that you can find a thought or tool here that will enable you to find more day to...
by Janet | Jul 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
I’ve been doing some research about what people want, and at the top of every list I have seen, “Happiness” ranks number 1. And most of the articles I read stated that most people don’t even know what does or will make them happy. Why do you think that is? ...
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