Email Reading

Email Reading

One Question Email Reading

No time for a full one hour session, but you need a little insight?
What are you working on these days?

Is there a leak in your energy boat that is keeping your from getting where you want to go?

Is there a squeaky wheel that if you were to make a tweak would allow things to move forward?

Try a One Question email reading.

Give yourself a chance to sit quietly and see what it would look like if you made one change in your life that would make the most difference right now.
What question would you have to ask to reveal what would assist that change to happen?
Rules of engagement – How to send in the most advantageous question for you
  • Remember, this is about you and how I can support you in your life, not about healing the other people in your life.
  • Allow yourself time to let your question formulate.  This can happen while you are doing the dishes or walking home or in meditation, so that you can thoughtfully be engaged in what will be most helpful or useful or have the most impact to you and your life right now.
  • Please note:  As you may know, I don’t predict the future, because your future has infinite possibilities, but I can look at the energy around something you are looking to make a decision about.
  • The back story to your question can be beneficial if it is the very brief version, so please keep your email to two short paragraphs.
Some suggested topics:
  • Relationships
  • Health/Personal Care – Mental, physical, spiritual & emotional
  • Finance
  • Career/jobs
  • Home or office spaces as it relates to you
Thank you for allowing me to support you in your journey!

Cost $70