by Janet | Aug 21, 2022 | amusement, energy, love, meditate, mind, Personal Growth, relationships, self help, transform, wisdom
Ruby ruminates on many topics. So as I lay on the cool floor tiles right now, chilling on my back (my favorite position), I think about what it’s like to be part of the universe. After all, my full name is Ruby Nebula and Janet says that’s because I am a...
by Janet | Aug 20, 2022 | awareness, Blog, consciously, energy, Personal Growth, transform
Yellow tulip with unique red spot Treasure your Uniqueness – I sure treasure do One of my mentor’s, Mary Morrissey, shared this quote that I hope you will enjoy as much as I did from a book by Dorothy Williams. “Think about yourself. Think what a...
by Janet | Feb 13, 2016 | energy, grounding, let go, limiting beliefs, Uncategorized
I tried this method of Letting Go as was suggested by one of you. This is a short documentary of the process. It really worked in releasing the energies that I wanted to let go of (written on the coconut). I spent a few days with a coconut and followed the...
by Janet | Mar 11, 2012 | awareness, behavior, bubble, consciously, create your reality, energy, meditate, meditation, perserverance, programmed, release, transform
I heard this somewhere a long time ago and have owned it for myself ever since. I tell students and clients, “You are creating your life, whether you are doing it consciously or unconsciously. And now that you know that, which way would you prefer to...
by Janet | Feb 12, 2010 | breath, breathe, bubble, energy, grounding, life force
Have you ever stopped and wondered what is different when you have those days where everything seems to go just as smooth as glass? When the traffic lights just seem to turn green as you approach? When people just move out of your path right when you need them to?...
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