I feel so much gratitude for having each of you in my life and I had been planning on writing to you last night but as to what you needed to see or hear right now, that remained unknown.
So, I decided to meditate on it, pondering what might any one of you be needing right now. About 30 minutes into my meditation, five visiting Archangels guided me to create a gift meditation for you. It is amazing to see what is delivered when you just ask.
Do you have a question or concern that you could use help with right now?
Maybe you know someone who might benefit from looking within and getting some angelic support.
This meditation is only 15 minutes long and has a bonus of 70 angels (in addition to those you already hang out with) to help guide you into finding answers to questions you have. It has been designed to be simple enough so that anyone may listen and get insight out of it. And you can use any tools you have as well.
Download the meditation <=== Click Here ===>
Answers often appear in the most mundane things as you go through your day like, waking up singing lyrics from songs that are in your head, to things like billboards, license plates, overhearing a few words of conversation, to flashes of brilliance that just happen out of thin air. Many times, several of those kinds of things combine to create a full thought or idea. (Lightbulb!!!)

Download the meditation <=== Click Here ===>
Be prepared to act on the information you receive, and you will be given more information as needed, especially if you repeat this meditation and keep asking.
Let me know what you discover, notice or have additional questions about.
Here’s to your brilliance,
PS. If you are interested in hosting 5 Archangels for 5 days, let me know and I will reply to you individually.
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