Not long ago, during a meditation, I finally figured out what had been in the way of having good posture all these years. My shoulders have been pushed and shoved into “proper” posture many times, but it has always felt wrong.
During the meditation, I realized that my heart chakra and solar plexus had been pushed back and were closed. I had shut myself off from who knows what? (I have numerous ideas.)
The idea was not new to me, as a friend of mine had mentioned to me the struggle of keeping the heart chakra open when faced with an argument or a difficult situation. She discovered that consciously keeping it open allowed a healing to occur.
I had pondered this for over a year. It was while I was consciously breathing the three part breath (belly, lower chest, upper chest) that I discovered that shifting my heart forward from the spine and opening my chest, made a huge difference in my posture. It not only opened up my chest, but also opened my heart chakra in a way that shifted my perception of everything miraculously!
I have since noticed what my friend pointed out a year or so ago. It isn’t easy to keep the heart open to all the stimulus the day brings with it. There are so many times that it wants to close down and not feel the discomfort/ pain/fear. That is where consciousness comes in.
Try this when you notice yourself closing down or ego trying to take over:
· Take a breath in and think “Accept.”
· As you exhale, think the work “Release.”
· “Accept”, “Release”.
· As you breath, notice if your heart is open.
· If not, you can consciously open it as you breathe deeply. And if it is open, congratulations! Keep up the good work!
Hey there! I admit I hadn't taken the time to really read- rather than skim- your blog postings. You always come up with what seem like simple ideas that are actually quite subtile and profound. I'm going to try the breath mediation exercise- I have found that meditaion as well as physical exercise require a shakeup once in a while. Ease off on things that have become too familiar or too easy and take on something new as a challenge. It keeps exercise- mental, spiritual and physical- interesting and fun. And there's always the bonus that a change- however small- might lead to something wonderful and unexpected.
I love it Janet. Thanks for sharing your experience and giving great tips to work on.
Janet – This is so "you" and has such power … I too have a hunching-protecting-my-heart posture – so I'm going to work with this. I also lead with my chin using that to protect my heart. Chin in – chest out — ahhh.. that's where that came from. Those West Pointers must know something.