I have been learning a lot of different ways to approach meditation, growth, and learning. Today I would like to discuss something that has been fun for me lately. I was introduced to Bob Proctor’s Six Minutes about 4 weeks ago and have found that it is not only fun, but has created a venue for me to find some of the programming around abundance and clear it.

Yesterday, I decided to take a look at the months’ worth of exercises I had done and noticed that there were a few exercises in the workbook that we haven’t actually covered yet. I decided to see what my first take on these exercises was and found that I was very provoked around the energy of sex. Yes, sex! I was blown away about the programming that I had regarding how I felt about it.

Now, for three sessions I taught a six month woman’s class, which dealt with some of this and thought that I had cleared the charge away from this topic, but here it was blaring in my face. It started me thinking about other women. Some questions came to mind.

· What is the first memory that you remember?

· When was the first time you recall really being turned on by someone?

· What happened after that?

· How did it progress?

· What did your peers think?

· What were the judgments of your father, mother and grandparents?

· Did you feel good or bad or were you judged to be so?

· Did you feel guilty?

· What is it that created your foundation for your memories?

· What is the Truth about your sexuality for you?

There are always a bunch of people in that space along with the pictures, that once de-energized can create a huge release depending on where you hold that energy in your body. It could be in the form of pain, like mine was in my left hip. You may not even know that this is what is causing the pain, like I didn’t, because I just wasn’t supposed to look at it. You might be very surprised to see just whose judgment comes up. I know I was. The relief I got was instantaneous, luxurious and absolutely freeing.

That kind of energy can make or break relationships and neutralizing it can be the beginning of a whole new world of wonderful relationships and renewal of those already begun.

I may teach a workshop on this down the road if anyone is interested.