A black and white image of a gray backgroundWell, we made it through another year.  Let’s create a paradigm shift as we move boldly forward into our next year.  January is always a time for new beginnings, where you have unlimited possibilities for what you choose to focus on.

This year it’s especially awesome energetically for each and every one of us.  If you have been doing the necessary work to letting go of old patterns that no longer serve you, this could be a very good year.  If you haven’t …                    Scary? ….  Naw.

It’s not too late.  One thing that I’d like to mention here is that you can release all of your energy from the past year and reclaim it now.  Free it up for yourself so you can create an awesome 2015.

I am offering a tele-seminar on January 4th, 2015.  You can begin the journey and catch up will love being able to Create Your Vision for 2013. If you are interested in this as an audio recording, please send me an email and I will send you a copy of the recording.

Traditionally, January has been a time to think about what goals you have for the future ~ New Year’s Resolutions!

I’d like to introduce a few questions:

  • What would you love to do this year?
  • Can you see yourself doing that?
  • How would you/could you do that?
  • What steps do you need to take to get there?

When you start thinking about what it is that you love to do, you get inspired.  Most times, a regular job can’t do that for you.  Once you know what you love to do, you have to start wondering:

  • How can I make a living doing that?
  • If you don’t know the answer, then it’s time to open up to inspiration and let the ideas flow to you.  That is what I teach.
  • If you do know what you need to do, then it’s time to start an action plan.
  • One of the easiest ways to do that is plan in reverse ~~ or backwards.

We will be doing this as a group in my workshop, which makes it more powerful. This is because everyone is working toward a common purpose.

Imagine yourself one year from now.

  • What does it look like?
  • See everyone smiling and happy.
  • Notice that you are the star of your life here.

As we move forward into 2013, it is time to forgive and love ourselves. It’s time to move forward into our true authentic selves. What if you fell in love with your true authentic self? What would you do with that?

Start by thinking to yourself: “What do I love?”

  • Repeat that question to yourself often.
  • Then ask yourself: “What would it take to be doing what I love?”

The answer is in you.  You just have to take a look.  That is sometimes easier than you think.  If you need help,   give me a call or email me at: [email protected]