Discovering yourself beneath your surface

Discovering yourself beneath your surface

Look harder. See the bee? During the last 18 months, I've been reacquainting myself with some of the philosophers and authors I read as a preteen, and it occurred to me that it did have an impact on how I see myself in the world...

Really Wheels?

Really Wheels?

Ready to pounce! Not only Ruby has a story and observations. My name is Wheelock, but you can call me Wheels. That's what I told Janet when I met her. Ruby wanted a brother, and I was at the animal foundation when Janet found me. I knew right from the start that Janet...

Ruby’s Ruminations

Ruby’s Ruminations

Ruby ruminates on many topics. So as I lay on the cool floor tiles right now, chilling on my back (my favorite position), I think about what it's like to be part of the universe. After all, my full name is Ruby Nebula and Janet says that's because I am a galaxy unto...

Treasure your Uniqueness – I sure treasure you

Treasure your Uniqueness – I sure treasure you

Yellow tulip with unique red spot Treasure your Uniqueness – I sure treasure do One of my mentor's, Mary Morrissey, shared this quote that I hope you will enjoy as much as I did from a book by Dorothy Williams. "Think about yourself.  Think what a remarkable,...

Energy as We Know It

Energy as We Know It

Right now, Energy is seemingly out of control. What are we supposed to do when the world is changing faster than the speed of light? What's going on in this world? Our World is going through a HUGE growth period. With the pandemic and new ways of working, many people...

We sure live in interesting times, don’t you think?

We sure live in interesting times, don’t you think?

I've been looking at the energy quite a bit as you can imagine, while not getting caught up in it (remembering the tools I teach).  I have been surprised that many of you asked me what my take was on all the world events, so here it is. Zip your lip woman! There...

Have you ever felt “Why am I living this life?”

Have you ever felt “Why am I living this life?”

Depressed young woman crying I'm writing the body below in the first person so you can really feel it as an exercise.  Maybe it resonates in a bone chilling way, and maybe you find your amusement and transform a lot of other people's energy in and around...

Trusting Yourself and the Universe

Trusting Yourself and the Universe

The universe reveals infinite possibilities I wonder if any of you are feeling like I am these days; Good and optimistic at times and feeling the burden of all the problems in the world at other times.  I wonder if any of you are feeling like I am these days;...

Give yourself 15 minutes to try this gift meditation

Give yourself 15 minutes to try this gift meditation

I feel so much gratitude for having each of you in my life and I had been planning on writing to you last night but as to what you needed to see or hear right now, that remained unknown. So, I decided to meditate on it, pondering what might any one of you be needing...

What does it take to be Happy?

What does it take to be Happy?

I’m still doing research on “Happiness” and what it takes to feel it more often.  I believe that with a little awareness, it is attainable more often than we think.  My hope is that you can find a thought or tool here that will enable you to find more day to...

A challenge for you….. Do you have happiness in your life?

A challenge for you….. Do you have happiness in your life?

I’ve been doing some research about what people want, and at the top of every list I have seen, “Happiness” ranks number 1. And most of the articles I read stated that most people don’t even know what does or will make them happy.  Why do you think that is? ...

Saying Farewell to a Loving, Kindred Soul

Saying Farewell to a Loving, Kindred Soul

It breaks my heart to say that today I lost one of my best friends in the world; Scamp. If it were not for all the tools I have learned over the years, I doubt that I would be able to write today. Losing unconditional love in a world gone crazy may not seem like a lot, but that is what I lost. Even as I sat at the Veterinarian’s office, waiting to hear what I already knew; that Scamp wasn’t coming home with me, I saw the love in his eyes and him trying to comfort me as he was breathing his last breaths. I watched his soul take off, free from the form that he had embodied for 12 ½ years. I couldn’t help but feel his sigh of relief as he let go of his body. It was an oddly peaceful moment, where just minutes before, I was so very sad with tears streaming down my cheeks.