“Janet helped me make tough decisions and to pursue life-long dreams.”

For several years, I got to know Janet by scheduling readings with her every now and then … Only when a situation got to the point where I felt stuck, stumped, or troubled. Every time, she was a source of clarity and healing.

So when Janet offered a program with regular touch points, I trusted the potential that monthly readings with her could provide.

Looking back now, almost 18 months later, I can see that the sporadic, stand-alone readings, though helpful, were primarily symptom relief compared to the sustained opening and self-understanding that the monthly calls have supported.

Having the opportunity to connect with Janet three times a month has strengthened my ability to see what’s in front of me and what’s going on inside me. It’s helped me make tough decisions and to pursue life-long dreams.

Janet’s program is a structure that supports manifesting a life aligned with your authentic self. She opens a space where you can feel your authentic self … and you take it from there.

Cathy Lange

Catherine Lange Communications

“She does not tell you what you want to hear, she delivers the unvarnished truth, ever so gently.”

Working with Janet is a blessing. She is clear, kind and effective with her guidance. She does not tell you what you want to hear, she delivers the unvarnished truth, ever so gently. If you want to learn to access your own intuition and cultivate your confidence in yourself and your ability to respond and take action in a way that is in alignment with your highest and best good, then schedule a session with Janet – today.

K. Winston

“I don’t know how I would have gotten my life organized without Janet to help me.”

“When I started coaching with Janet, I wasn’t sure that anything could help me. Month after month I would be so angry with myself for not getting things done.

I couldn’t explain why … so I started working with Janet. I found out that the materials she uses for coaching are so intuitive.

Over the last 6-8 months, I wouldn’t have gotten nearly as much done if I hadn’t had Janet helping me as a coach. The only way that I got a two-story house and everything in the yard all packed up and moved was Janet’s coaching. She walked me through it. She made me realize what would work and what wouldn’t.

I love this coaching system, but more than that, I love Janet as a coach! She is supportive but she also holds me to what I say I’m going to do. When I talk to her, I just don’t want to say I haven’t done it. I can’t tell you how helpful she has been to me. I don’t know how I would have gotten my life organized without Janet to help me.”

Heather Hutchins

Professional Writer

“In only one session with you, you broke through the energy”

“Thank you so much for having helped me breakthrough in my current business ventures.

As you know, I am a serial entrepreneur having founded 2 IT consultancies, a body-mind therapies practice, a real estate partnership and now working toward alliances for innovations for entrepreneurs and businesses.

I was moving in the direction of collaborative initiatives, but I was really stuck. An old dream about being stuck in the basement with some people came up. In only one session with you, you broke through the energy and the meaning of the dream. I was able to forgive the parties involved and I am now moving ahead with my next initiative Innovative Alliances.

You empowered me with forgiveness and meditative practices to follow up with the energy and insight form the session so that what I was stuck with for decades unwinded and released. This helped me in my other relationships as well.

You are amazing! A visionary break through and launcher! Thank you again.”

Julie Wu Finkelstein, CPCU, AOBTA

Innovative Alliances -Teams Collaborating for Prosperity

Health Success

Since my reading with you my overeating habits are gone!!!!

“Hey!!!!!Janet!!!!!!!! Since my reading with you my overeating habits are gone!!!! The desire to be my best and make it happen is there, I feel like I am the person I have always known myself to be. I did make the choice to treat Marcus’ number like a bill collector and I am with peace every day since. Thank you for who you are and what you do.
There is absolutly no question to your gift.”

Lekesha Poole

Real Estate Success

And the best part . . . sold in only 14 days on the market!! Wow!!

“I am a real estate investor. I was having ‘issues’ finishing a property. Janet was referred to me and am I so grateful I called. After she ‘did (a clearing on) the property,’ the environment there was changed! Even my workers noticed a difference, and they knew nothing about Janet and what we were doing!! The property finished up swiftly and the best part . . . sold in only 14 days on the market!! Wow!! I will always use Janet on all my future purchases!! Simply Amazing!!”

“I had a private session done on me with Janet and Wow!! I actually feel lighter. My energy and endurance are flying. And it is just breakthrough after breakthrough!! I feel open now; before I was closed off or shielded. That is now gone . . . and (I’m) now running on all cylinders! Thank you, Janet! We will be doing more very soon! Unbelievable!!”

Alive again,

Bruce Walla

Real Estate Investor

Pet Testimonial

You really helped us with Fluffy before he passed away. You have no idea how much

“One evening, August 2011, our Fluffy, our mountain dog mutt, had a huge smile while asking us for a walk. He was so happy! There was only one concern; he didn’t walk straight. We offered a treat to get him to walk straight, but no, he moved again in a semi-circle again. We knew we were off to a 24-hour emergency vet. You really helped us with Fluffy before he passed away. You have no idea how much. Your input helped us connect to Fluffy and, not only was he happy, but we knew we were meeting his needs and we were in a loving place with Fluffy. Janet, you mentioned that Fluffy’s energy and well-being was resurging while showing his love and gratitude to us for taking him in and loving him. Everything came together so beautifully. We didn’t know that the vet and assistant vet were going to be caring and compassionate to Fluffy and us. Our experience was dignified and beautiful. We had 6 amazing years with Fluffy; we think he was 13 years old when he passed away. Our love for Fluffy will be forever. Thank you, Janet. You have no idea how grateful we are for your support.”

Kathy Byrne

Personal Transformation Success

“I am feeling lighter. More open”

“Early this morning as I was in my ‘dream state’ not dreaming that I recall, a BELL RANG! It was distinct and I woke up. So there u have the clearing rec’d to the intended … Thank u. (I have no clocks that ding or any other device …).
Sweet it was! :-). I am feeling lighter. More open. Thank u for the energy work and dedication to help me heal the last of this agreement.
Have a great day! Namaste. J”

Jenny G.

Overall Success

My life has changed about 90% since I met you

Janet, Just taking a minute to tell you how grateful I am for your friendship, this past year especially . . . what a ride . . . but we have laughed a lot and it looks like some good closures for us both this year. You are a powerful and brilliant woman who will completely shine in your own light very soon . . . you bring a gentle spirit to this very hurt planet. I cannot tell you how important your guidance and knowledge has been for me … I don’t have that kind of language.

My life has changed about 90% since I met you and … (I’m reserving the 10% for an available male relationship)!!! :)))

Much love.

Linda Bart

Business Owner

Text Reading Success

“Olivia did great last week on all her tests. Better than ever”

Question from a concerned Mom: “Janet, if you have a moment to look at Standardized Testing today and Olivia’s ability to take her reading tests that would be awesome. She just needs grounding and certainty I think.”

Results: “Funny, I’ve been meaning to text u all week! Olivia did great last week on all her tests. Better than ever (for this year). Also! I taught her some techniques you mentioned… It’s only been like b4 bed while we r lying down but she loves it! She thinks it’s beautiful and fun. Thx for checking in – I was really wanting to share that with u!”

Concerned Mom